27 October 2011

if a pumpkin had a home birth

love it! another facebook share, originally created and posted by Blessed Birth Doula

26 October 2011

snippet of motherhood: speaking of Land Sharks

Tonight I had to go to the mall (a sad visit to the Genius Bar at the Apple store; RIP family computer hard drive) and I passed the Pottery Barn Kids store...outrageously expensive Halloween costumes were in the window and there was a sale! I felt excited for a split second until I remembered that even my youngest, at 7, is too old for the adorable creatures they were offering...only spooky, preferably bloody, will do around here. sigh...

(picture of a PBK costume)

when pumpkins give birth

Saw this on a facebook page for a band, "ZOMBIE! Real Horror Rock!"... maybe go and like their page!