05 November 2010

you know you're tired when...

you look longingly at your client's hospital bed and think, "wow - that would be a nice little vacation"...
Clearly I needed a nap...or perhaps an IV streaming coffee into my veins...'cause I know that's not where I really want to be. I guess the concept of being required to rest and be in bed without feeling guilty, with a remote and a button to push for "service" is what's appealing.
Maybe I should see if I have some miles to use for a mini hotel vaca...but then I'd just have to confront my new paranoia about bed bugs, so I probably wouldn't do much relaxing. sigh.


Bianca said...

get some rest doulamomma, please give yourself permission just as you would do for your clients.

DoulaMomma said...

thanks Bianca...I'm going to show your comment to my family! ;-)