14 July 2008

perfect day

I have lots of ideas about how a perfect day could be spent. Yesterday was one of those days.

I was woken up by an early morning call that a labor was happening. Hooray - Sunday & kids were covered since my husband was home. It would take some juggling with his tennis game, but no big deal. I knew they had fun plans to spend the day at the pool and Maplewoodstock. And no one else due at the moment so no conflicts - just this birth to consume me for how ever long it lasts. All extra special because I leave for Ann Arbor tomorrow and really wanted to be at this birth.

Contractions had been happening on and off since around her July 4th due date and I felt pretty certain it would all work out and I would get to be there. Thanks, perhaps, to acupuncture, massage, homeopathics and some special castor oil eggs,things were moving. Although it was a somewhat unique VBAC where lots of people could name all sorts reasons it shouldn't work out, I felt calm that it would go well and fairly fast; not sure why. Having a client who is so upbeat and just willing is a joy and I think it helps the birth.

Funny thing: A childbirth class was taking a tour and thought we were part of the show. They actually followed us to the room, so I snapped their picture.

Throughout the birth, even though it was amazingly hard work for the momma, she manifested gratitude throughout. Thankful for her super husband and the spaces in between. The nurse & doctor commented that they were the most friendly & grateful people to come through in a long time.

The birth, as noted below, was fantastic. And I made it home in time to see my family and sleep in my own bed...perfect. I love it when it all works out, as it so often does.


Unfinished Dad said...

Hmmm...why didn't we get to have a tour come through our room? We could have charged admission and then made some popcorn. Congrats on another birth. Hope to see you soon!

DoulaMomma said...

Indeed! Maybe for round 2 you can do subscription live-feed & make a mint for college fund?!
Hope all is well - will check your blog for any big news!
