10 May 2009

YeeHaw! Happy Mother's Day!

I spent my Mother's Day with friends (and about 6,500 other folks), running our first race ever - check out my lucky race number - 7777! I should head to Vegas! Four miles through Central Park (NYC) on the most perfect spring day. The best part was that I got to sprint across the finish line, hand in hand with my dear friend Carrie! I think my friends would agree that we felt strong, alive and so much better prepared for our upcoming triathlon in September (and pleasantly surprised by our race times!). In fact, we can't wait to do more races...next year we want to try a half-marathon...but more short races before the Tri.
There are so many wonderful posts on birth and motherhood out there right now, including the awesome "ad" for Mother Of The Year that's gone viral...so I thought I'd simply post about the birth of the new women my friends and I are becoming...the birth of athletes...it's hard work, but fun too and feels really satisfying. Happy Mother's Day to all!

1 comment:

Laura said...


Happy Mother's Day, late, to you too!