05 January 2009


BTS stands for Back To School, btw! Not only was it the first day back for Sasha & Malia Obama (at their new school - I hope it's an easy transition for them!), it was also the first day back for my kids and so many others...hooray!
I loved our lazy mornings sleeping in, staying in PJs late...but we had sort of devolved into staying up too late and I think we were all ready for a little more structure again. They all woke up happy & ready to get back to non-holiday life. I can't believe I was so pleased to have a quiet house in which to do laundry, but I was (pleased).

And to celebrate, we will have a Charlie & Lola dinner of "ocean nibbles" (fish sticks), "green drops from Jupiter" (peas) & maybe some moon cheese delight (mac & cheese - I made up this one, only because we do not have potatoes with which to make "cloud fluff"/mashed potatoes), all at the request of youngest DoulaBoy.


carriex3 said...

rock on doulamomma:)

Sarah said...

Awesome. I, too, am grateful for the unstructured time I had with my little one, and also happy to be back at work now!