29 January 2009


You heard it here first. I'm nuts, I know, for thinking that I might just join some friends and train for a half-triathlon. It's not until September. It's about a half-mile swim, about 10 miles on a bike and about 3.5 miles walk/run.

Why is this an out-there idea, you ask?

Well, I am not a swimmer. I swim just fine & used to be an avid scuba diver - I just never learned how to swim and do that breathing to the side thing. I'm planning to train using a mask & snorkel at first. I think the group is hiring a swim coach.

I am not a runner. I make myself run a little between walking sometimes. I'd like to be a runner but frankly they have not invented a jog bra that's strong enough to make it any fun. But I can walk.

I don't even own a bike, but I love spin classes.

I've never done a race of any sort before, unless you count a three-legged race or similar at a field day.

But some of my friends and I just joined a new gym together that is super nice & has a pool (missing from old gym) & the most awesome kid areas, climbing walls & the spinning is amazing, complete with jumbo screens playing bike races.

We also started Weight Watchers, knowing that all of this will be easier if there is a bit less of ourselves to lug around.

I'm putting it here because I'm pretty averse to backing out once a challenge has been set. So I will register and train and see how it goes. But I did buy a magnet for my car similar to the picture above to inspire myself. I had the thought today (in said spin class) that I have had three looong, natural labors and pushed some good-sized babies out, so I think I can do this. And apparently so can some 70 year olds who have to use a noodle for the swim part (or so I am told - this could be a lie to make me feel better - not sure)...so I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...


Nanda Mama said...

Hey babe! I am right there with you and one better - I don't know how to ride a bike. Seriously. I bought that Pink Eldorado so I can learn. You an amazing woman and I think ultimately this will be a lot of fun!

Nanda Mama said...

correction: "you are an amazing woman" and I need to see this gym.

Sarah said...

Go you!! You can totally do this. You're one strong lady.