25 September 2008

building a better amniotic sac

No - it won't make NASDAQ go up, but it's important, so I thought I'd bring you a little public service announcement by way of Empowering Birth Blog:

A strong sac reduces the chance of premature rupture of membranes.

Eat lots of:

Fruits and vegetables containing beta carotene (orange or deep yellow)

Sweet Potatoes
Winter Squash

Dark Leafy Greens

Mustard Greens


Nicole D said...

Mmmm.. sounds like FALL!

Makes me wonder, my midwife always touted that fall and winter babies stayed in longer... the thought was because of the colder weather... perhaps it is also partly because of the produce available for the season? Strong bags = less chance of S/PROM starting out a labor.... hmm....

DoulaMomma said...

I think that makes sense. Though, it seems like the most impact on the sac would be earlier in pregnancy, so maybe babies conceived in fall get most benefit from these foods? And also I think most women gain a pound or 3 in colder months? Something to ponder, though - thanks!