15 September 2008

spin it, DJ

If 40 is the new 30 and 3 (kids) is the new 2, I think spin class is the new dance club - at least for me. I was there this morning (5:45am - woo hoo) and realized that this must be the attraction for me. Like going dancing, it's nearly dark and pulsing music that's so good your heart want to burst and you just have to sing along under your breath and MOVE! And the added benefit is that since you probably are not wearing any makeup and are not trying to catch anyone's eye, you can feel fine about mopping off the sweat - there is even a towel provided! And the shoes are cool.


Kristen Cook Tyler said...

i heard that black is the new black! i was so excited cuz i was really a little bored when brown was the new black...

DoulaMomma said...

What a relief - I have always preferred it...others can now be "Back In Black" or "Back To Black" (get it? AC/DC? Amy Winehouse?) but I never left!