03 September 2008

My Beautiful Cervix

Well - not mine - my own personal cervix is a little camera shy. But I think it's fantastic that someone did this - a month in the life of a cervix. Very Our Bodies, Ourselves. And she refers to a book I love, Weschler's Taking Charge of Your Fertility, which I think should be mandatory reading for all young women.

We need to know our lady parts! For an informative-in-a-fun-way post on said lady parts, check this out.

(the cervix pictures are in color, but it's nothing more colorful than the average woman sees every month anyway - check it out - it's cool!)

Btw, I learned of the cervix project here.


Ms. Smoochy said...

I just found your blog! SO exciting! I know I'll be back; I was never able to resist a good cervix picture!

DoulaMomma said...

"I was never able to resist a good cervix picture!"
lol- my kinda chick! ;-)

I'll check out your blog too.

Brandi said...

Hi DoulaMomma! I ran across your blog while viewing the blog where you found this wonderful picture of a cervix. My name is Brandi and I am a student midwife/doula. I've enjoyed reading your blog so far. I'm interested to know more about the magazine that you write for. I have a blog called The Belly Button Connection (www.thebellybuttonconnection.blogspot.com). I'd love to discuss your doula services, magazine, childbirth education classes on my blog. Please take a look and tell me what you think. Take care! :)

cerebritis said...

Hello in deed is a beautiful cervix even when the cervix are not beautiful there are pretty weird to me