02 September 2008


Withholding (age-appropriate) information regarding reproduction and contraception clearly doesn't work much of the time. But it makes sense, I guess, in a culture in which birthing women are often given information selectively or with such strong spin so that they will just do as they are told, even if that means lining up for a host of unnecessary interventions. Actually, this seems to be working out as intended much of the time regarding birth - so many (but not all!!) women have completely abdicated decision making under great pressure from our culture and system. But we need only look at the family situation of the RNC's best & brightest (said with unkind scorn, I admit it), Sarah Palin, to see that a back up plan to abstinence is needed. (Check out this great post for more on this topic)

Why can't we trust people to know all the facts and options and then make informed decisions based on their family creed or the advice of their trusted care provider? It seems curious to me that some would rather trust a teen to make good decisions as a teen parent, altering the course of their entire life, than to trust them with knowledge of contraception in case abstinence isn't the ultimate choice they make.

Seems like many parents, churches and care providers don't feel secure in their positions as leaders and are withholding information, clutching at control, out of fear.

And it's not working.

Me? I like the wisdom of 38 Special: Hold On Loosely


Sarah said...

Amen, sister! You said that with more kindness than I can muster at the moment.

Unknown said...

Ditto the above comment! My dad has a blog in which this topic came up too, and he lives in Maplewood, small world huh? Keep up the good fight!!!

Just found you through Pioneer Woman's, and doing a little back reading. I wish I'd chosen a doula, ah well, my one child will be my only experience, and that's ok, mostly.

Blog on, and let us all try to find the strength to do what needs to be done to change this planet for the better!!! Even if it's small and in our own backyards.

DoulaMomma said...

Small world, Caitlin! What's your dad's blog?
Re. having not having had a doula at your birth...I think we often get the information when we're ready for it. Even if you decide to not have more kids, it's good to know options to share with others.
Thanks for your note - I'll check out your blog too.

Unknown said...

lally's alley is my dad's blog. He knows Lisa (is that who started/runs Motherhood?), was interviewed in it too, as was I because I used to have a business (though in Massachusetts).

I don't have a blog, though I sometimes think I should, maybe, or not. So, I'll hit this site from time to time and see what's doing in the righteous woman world.

DoulaMomma said...

Wow - even smaller world - I've met your dad - been to his place w/ Lisa (& my oldest knows his kid - your brother or step-brother,I guess) - I recall him talking about you & showing us some art work, if I recall (was that yours?) Great stuff!

Unknown said...

Crunch, world shrinking. Yep that would probably be mine, though he has loads and they are all friends or family so...depends on the piece. But thanks.

Crazy that I should bump into you on a site of someone in Oklahoma when here you were all along in my backyard and liteally my dad's!!

DoulaMomma said...

Pretty sure the art was yours...I love when the world works this way - crazy little connections of synchronicity...