26 November 2008

just cool

Now please don't assume I am making any kind of statement about vaginal versus cesarean birth by posting these items together. That would, perhaps, have been clever (eek - almost wrote "cleaver" - how Freudian!) of me, but I just think these are groovy!

Awhile back I saw the frog on etsy & fell in love - I was an enthusiastic biology student and loved dissection. Don't be disturbed - I just thought it was amazing - I loved & still love TV shows about forensics. Interesting that our old rescue dog, Quincy (RIP) was named, by his prior owner, after a TV forensic pathologist - really - the original owner had been a medical examiner.
Anyway, here it is, available from Crafty Hedgehog.

So imagine my amazement when I checked in on The Human Pacifier and saw this incredible knitted birthing mom, available on etsy by CozyColeman...


Love This Life... said...
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Love This Life... said...

I love it... how cute! Thanks for sharing that ... the first frame is the c-section? All those pins makes me think of voodoo dolls... isn't it amazing how crafty some people are... ? I can knit a scarf - that's it for now or maybe a sewn together knitted satchel.

DoulaMomma said...

it was not my original intention for the frog to represent surgical birth...just cool knitting stuff. It was only after seeing them together that I saw the parallel.